Black Walnut: Beloved Tree or Messy Nuisance??
Rory Peterson Rory Peterson

Black Walnut: Beloved Tree or Messy Nuisance??

It seems strange to me, coming as it does from a self confirmed Black Walnut nut-job, that people ascribe so much negativity and hate to a tree that freely drops thousands of pounds of protein, fat and minerals, you know…..FOOD, essential for life! It is truly a bizarre world when many folks complain about skyrocketing grocery prices, while in the same breath groan about having to rake up the walnuts in the yard to throw in the landfill.

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Pawpaw Paradise: The Banana of the North
Rory Peterson Rory Peterson

Pawpaw Paradise: The Banana of the North

As I write this, snow covers the ground amid a landscape resembling the tundra. Many bird species have migrated south, departing this frigid region for more mild climes. Waterways glaze over their surfaces with the pale luster of ice. And my banana trees rise through the snow just like the more familiar apples, pears and peaches.

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Hazelnut Heaven: My Favorite Shrub
Rory Peterson Rory Peterson

Hazelnut Heaven: My Favorite Shrub

Hazelnuts truly are an ally for ANY garden, no matter how big or small. Delicious nuts bear at an early age on beautiful, compact and low maintenance shrubs!

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There’s Never Been a Better Time to Homestead
Jenna Guy Jenna Guy

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Homestead

There is one thing in this life that is for certain. We need to eat. The way I see it, you can either work for money to pay for your food, or you can work for your food. Some call it going back to “living off the land”, some call it going “off the grid”. I think what we and many others are really doing is…

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The Forest Farm: Clothing the Earth with Trees
Rory Peterson Rory Peterson

The Forest Farm: Clothing the Earth with Trees

There is a scene from the 1984 adaptation of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol“ in which Scrooge is talking to Bob Cratchit about the use of clothing instead of coal to keep warm. “Garments were invented by the human race as protection against the cold. Once purchased, they may be used indefinitely for the purpose for which they were intended. Coal burns. Coal is momentary, coal is expensive“. Now, all symbolism of his greed aside, it is actually a great point

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Healing through Homesteading
Jenna Guy Jenna Guy

Healing through Homesteading

Today I feel great. It hasn’t always been that way, and it won’t always be that way, but now as I sit here writing this I can say that I feel good. I have struggled with various health issues and I am sure somewhere along the line you have as well. Maybe you have been struggling awhile now. You aren’t alone. There have been many times I sat crying wondering why my body has betrayed me.

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The Terrible Plight of the Chestnut Blight
Rory Peterson Rory Peterson

The Terrible Plight of the Chestnut Blight

All it took was one generation and an entire culture shifted. One generation of an imported fungus to spread like wild-fire. One generation of people born after it’s demise for it to be nearly forgotten. And now, one generation at a time, to help bring them back.

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Permaculture Principles: A Grower’s Guide

Permaculture Principles: A Grower’s Guide

Permaculture. Perhaps you’ve heard the word before, perhaps not. Although the word itself is relatively new, the practices that define it have been around for as long as humans have been cultivating plants. Indeed, it has been the primary agricultural system around the world for most of that time, only recently being upended by the corporate industrial/chemical farms. To farm in a permaculture sense is to work WITH the landscape, rather than against it.

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